T H E T H E R A P I S T  D I R E C T O R Y  O F  S A N D I E G O



(619) 894-4489
  Rustin Berlow, M.D., San Diego Psychiatrist

Undergraduate: U.W. Madison

Medical School: Columbia, NYC
Psychiatry Residency: UCSD
Psychopharmacology Fellowship: UCSD
  Dr. Berlow uses a wholistic approach in treating problems of mood, attention, anxiety, and weight. He believes that not every problem needs medication. Accurate assessment of need for medications is an important step before prescription. In many cases, medications can be life-saving in the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. 

On the other hand, they are not a solution to every problem and are usually best used as a last resort after natural methods have been tried. Even if medications are used, lifestyle changes can be made which will be beneficial.

Medications work best in the context of a healthy, "antidepressant” lifestyle. Dr. Berlow advocates a balanced, moderate approach and looks at sleeping habits, eating, exercise,and exposure to light to improve energy and mood. He promotes using relaxation techniques, learning stress management and anger management, along with using other resources.

As a psychopharmacologist, Dr. Berlow is a physician and psychiatrist with special training in medications for emotional and behavioral problems. He also has expertise in treating “refractory depression,” depression that does not respond at first to medication (two different medications given for a period of eight weeks each). Refractory depression is treated with combinations of medications, mood stabilizers, and other treatments.

“The most important 
part of the care 
of the patient
is caring
about the patient”

Dr. Berlow believes that psychotherapy is an important adjunct to medication. Medications may work better and life changes may be more permanent if they occur in the context of self-examination. Dr. Berlow works well in conjunction with other therapists to treat the whole person.

The process of medical training may be stressful. Residents, interns and medical students who need assistance are seen discretely and at convenient hours.

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