T H E T H E R A P I S T  D I R E C T O R Y  O F  S A N D I E G O


Depression / Anxiety
Stress Management
Grief / Loss



Articles on Grief, Chronic Pain, Performance Enhancement, Stress Management, etc.
Phone (619) 997-5333

Del Mar Office

Over 40 years' successful experience working
with adults, children and adolescents

I can help you to:
•  Identify and overcome limiting or self-defeating thoughts and belief patterns
•  Learn to trust and accept yourself
•  Discover your natural state of hopefulness, confidence and health
Sue Goodell, MFT, EMDR Consultant in San Diego, San Diego EMDR Consultant

Certified and Approved Consultant in the EMDR International Assn.
MA University of California Berkeley
MS San Diego State University

•  Overcome anger, sadness, fear
•  Resolve grief, confusion, indecisiveness
•  Relieve trauma, flashbacks, nightmares
•  Manage health problems
•  Achieve more fulfillment in life

Quality psychotherapy with a highly-trained, competent therapist can be extremely useful for overcoming hurdles in your life. I am a Certified and Approved Consultant in EMDR, which is researched, effective and solution-focused helping individuals overcome self-defeating beliefs, traumas and enhancing performance. With me, individuals find a supportive environment, exploring and changing patterns that are interfering with their happiness and full achievement.

I am warm and compassionate, offering skillful guidance, working in an interactive, clear and concise manner. Clients progress effectively and efficiently, simultaneously re-processing the past so it no longer impairs the present, clearing the future to be experienced in new, authentic ways.

"Thank you for enabling me to begin a new journey, free of tangles which caused many wounds, preventing me from being Free. You’ve inspired and helped me unlock what’s inside. Hoping others can find this freedom, I choose freedom, today and everyday the rest of my life." - Medical professional age 40

"Through your skillful guidance I have a new lease on life, certain I'm without depression for the first time in my life and never felt more alive!" - female Air Traffic controller age 51

Call me at (619) 997-5333 to see how I can assist you.


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