T H E T H E R A P I S T  D I R E C T O R Y  O F  S A N D I E G O

Emotional Freedom Techniques

Positive Psychology
Life Coaching


Office in UTC area
(858) 450-1965  E-mail me here

Create More Happiness Now!

When was the last time you said, “I couldn’t be happier....”? In our modern world’s swirl of stress, multitasking and 24/7 news, too often we we lose ourselves in the elusive hunt for happiness.

What is happiness? What actions and attitudes are necessary to achieve your goals? How do your permanently conquer anxiety, depression, loneliness and frustration? How do you enhance personal relationships?

In warm, comfortable individual or group sessions Sheila shows you how to surmount the obstacles that disrupt and diminish your ability to enjoy life to its fullest, with awareness and connection. You’ll learn how to recognize and change any limiting, unconscious beliefs you have into more empowering ones. Beliefs like, “I don’t deserve to have _____” or “I’ll never have what I really want.”

Sheila helps you use your psychological strengths to gain greater fulfillment from your life. You’ll gain practical strategies to develop resilience and handle difficulties more easily. You’ll learn the significant effect positive emotions have on health and longevity. You’ll learn the Positive Psychology Tools you can use to defeat the daily threats to happiness and add greater satisfaction, meaning and joy to your life.

Sheila Henry, NLP in San Diego

Sheila Henry, MFT
UTC/Golden Triangle
Call TODAY for a FREE telephone consultation!

For an article written by Sheila Henry, please go to:
Don't Drown in a Sea of Limiting Beliefs
When You Can Soar With the Eagles


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