T H E T H E R A P I S T  D I R E C T O R Y  O F  S A N D I E G O

Depression / Anxiety







Psychotherapist / Psychoanalyst
3202 Third Avenue, San Diego, 92103
Banker’s Hill/Hillcrest Office
(619) 297-2611

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed and alone with your problems. I can help you talk openly in a comfortable, private setting. We will begin to understand the underlying causes of your unhappiness. My approach is respectful, warm and collaborative. You will develop a curiosity and interest in problem solving. I also believe that working together you can feel more satisfaction with yourself and others.

Marky Reynolds, LCSW, Psychoanalyst in San Diego

Postgraduate Trainings:
Certificate: Psychotherapy Program (3 years) Certificate: Adult Psychoanalysis (6 years), San Diego Psychoanalytic Institute

   I will help you….
Describe your current concerns
Begin to understand your feelings, thoughts and behaviors in new ways
Become curious about your dreams, daydreams, fantasies
Learn about how your mind works and how you’ve developed over time
Use these insights to change behaviors

My approach can help you…
Get relief from painful emotional patterns
Improve personal relationships
Develop more confidence
Become more productive at work
Prevent the past from interfering with the present
Stop self-destructive patterns
My current experience…
UCSD Voluntary Clinical Instructor   
Instructor, San Diego Psychoanalytic Society and Institute  

Any questions…call or schedule a free 30 minute visit. Fees are negotiable.


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