T H E T H E R A P I S T  D I R E C T O R Y  O F  S A N D I E G O

Alcohol / Drug Abuse

Compulsive Overeating


 Depression / Anxiety




Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (MFC 39970)
Office conveniently located in Mission Valley
(619) 962-2449 (24 hr. confidential voice mail)
E-mail me here

Individual, Couples & Family Counseling

What I love most about my profession as a psychotherapist is helping my clients grow and witnessing their ability to change.

I provide a supportive, nurturing and safe environment so that we can collaborate together to explore the tools available to you to help you through troubling times in a way that empowers you and helps to give clarity to your plan of action.

Mary Vannoy, MFT, San Diego Counseling
For Individuals
– I will help you to acquire problem solving techniques and coping skills for handling your personal issues, relationships and work settings. Through developing self-awareness you will be able to identify your goals and learn better ways to deal with lifeʼs challenges.

For Couples – I will guide you towards a more satisfying relationship by improving your communication and conflict resolution skills and assisting you in discovering how to be heard, respected and valued by your partner.

For Victims of Crime and/or Domestic Violence – Dealing with abuse and trauma can be extremely difficult and confusing and many people don’t know where to start. I will assist you in sorting out conflicting and disturbing emotions in a gentle and empathic way that will give you more clarity about your life and a clearer perception of the steps to take to release the pain of the past.


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