T H E T H E R A P I S T  D I R E C T O R Y  O F  S A N D I E G O


by Melodee Arnold, RN, MFT, CGP

Melodee Arnold, San Diego Group Therapy and Support Groups

Group Therapy is a perfect environment for relearning skills that were developed through childhood experiences and are no longer useful in adulthood.

Confidentiality is agreed upon as a major element among members. The strength of the group is that a participant can experiment with different behaviors and give and receive honest feedback. How empowering! Behaviors with which one experiments become natural. Change can be considered “reframing,” seeing the same thing from a different perspective and we feel encouraged to change once we learn about old behavior patterns that are no longer useful. No one is pushed to reveal or share until ready.

Regular attendance is necessary in order to develop a sense of reliability and connectedness. It is important to work out issues with the same people consistently in order to hone our relationship capacities.

“The road to mental health is the road to the truth”

--F. Scott Peck; The Road Less Traveled.

Although self-disclosure is necessary, it can often be difficult. Providing feedback to other members is part of the task and provides the opportunity to handle conflictual feelings. New and healthy bonding can take place in this situation, allowing feelings of trust and mutual understanding to grow and flourish over time. In this setting, members support and celebrate eaach other’s struggles and successes. The group is a container, witness, change agent, and “family as it could have been.”

Melodee, RN, MFT, CGP, EMDR Certified is a long time member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. She is founder and past president of San Diego Group Psychotherapy Society and is founder of CGP (Certified Group Psychotherapist).

For more information about Melodee Arnold, San Diego Therapist
specializing in Group Therapy, go to: 
Melodee Arnold, RN, MFT, CGP

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