About Us

The Therapist Directory of San Diego is San Diego's premier local online publication of psychotherapists. The Therapist Directory of San Diego has been a local online presence since 1999.

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  • Please call (858) 354-0970 for more information or
    Email Here.


Mary L. Obata

Publishing Information
THE THERAPIST DIRECTORY OF SAN DIEGO is an online directory featuring San Diego psychotherapists, including marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, professional clinical counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

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About The Therapist Directory of San Diego

From the Publisher

I am pleased to present THE THERAPIST DIRECTORY OF SAN DIEGO. I am proud to provide the community of San Diego with an excellent local online resource for finding a psychotherapist since 1999.

I am happy to offer comprehensive information about a variety of San Diego mental health professionals (including marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, professional clinical counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists) who have a wide range of specialties.

Choosing a therapist is an important process, much like choosing a physician. It is essential that you feel comfortable with the person and know they are competent and have expertise in the area of your concern. Different therapists have different styles and ways of working, so I encourage you to ask questions. I recommend interviewing one or more therapists over the phone or in person before you make your decision.

My intent is for the people of San Diego to use this directory as a tool to empower them to make more informed choices. I welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. If you do not find a therapist in this directory who meets your needs, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to assist you. I can be reached at (858) 354-0970 or Email Me Here.


Mary L. Obata Publisher

The Therapist Directory Of San Diego

Mary L. Obata

Publishing Information
THE THERAPIST DIRECTORY OF SAN DIEGO is an online directory featuring San Diego psychotherapists, including marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, professional clinical counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

For advertising information, Click Here.
Please call (858) 354-0970 or Email Here for further information.

I am indebted to Elaine Clarke for her pioneering efforts in publishing The Therapist Directory of Boulder County.

The information provided by advertisers in THE THERAPIST DIRECTORY OF SAN DIEGO is self-reported. The Publisher verifies licensure, but the content of the ad is not verified and is the sole responsibility of the therapist. Inclusion or omission of particular therapists does not imply a recommendation, or lack of, by Publisher.